Germany green policies, 2015

Two chilling news from No Tricks Zone about environmental militance and deception  in German.The first article was published on May 26, 2015, and the second  article was posted on March 21, 2014.

The first paper is an example of "regulatory capture", wind lobbyists writing the renewables cronyism law in one state in Germany.
"The FDP Free Democrats accused Wenzel of having parts of the 79-page draft legislation “dictated to him by the wind industry.” 
Bild quotes Free Democrat Dr. Gero Hocker, an environment expert:  
"The Environment Minister must concede that the wind lobby took over the job of drafting the law. That’s an outrage!”"

Good work, FDP. Fiscalize the green zealots mainly responsible for ever-rising energy prices in Germany.

From the second article, FNF's website, Liberal, was also quoted saying

"The proposed law by Environment Senator Joachim Lohse foresees a system of monitoring that allows for detection of violations and punishment. According to the Weser-Kurier daily, officials would ‘in carrying out the duties of their office, tread upon private property and enter private buildings‘. The provision of the German Constitution for the inviolability of the home would in this respect be curtailed....
 Here Lohse is creating nothing less than an environment police.”
Meanwhile, some not-so-beautiful rural landscapes of Germany after dozens  of wind turbines were erected. Photos from  Shocking, Before-And-After Photos: How Wind Parks Are Devastating Idyllic GermanCountryside!

And more photos. 

Meanwhile, this is section III of my presentation, Climate change and the need for cheaper and stable energy sources during the Energy Policy Development Program (EPDP) Conference 2016  January 12-13 at the New World Hotel in Makati. 

The cost of renewables rising for households despite their supply instability and very low capacity factor.


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